Profile PictureSpeaking Bipolar by Scott Ninneman

Speaking Bipolar wants to help you understand and thrive with bipolar disorder. Writer Scott Ninneman, diagnosed bipolar 1 in 1995, creates all content to help you live your best life, starting today.

Free Resources

Showing 1-8 of 8 products

Bipolar Disorder Symptom Checklist


21 Smart Ways To Reduce the Effects of Bipolar Disorder on Everyday Life


The Best So Far | 2022 Edition

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The Best So Far - 2021 Collection

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Speaking Bipolar – A Mental Illness Translator


My Positive Year-End Review Guide


The Best So Far - 2020 Collection

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Speaking Bipolar's 30 Days of Positivity Email Course


Workbooks & Challenges

Bipolar Disorder Symptom Workbook

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Speaking Bipolar's 30 Day Life Tune Up Challenge


Best of Speaking Bipolar

Best of Speaking Bipolar Magazine | Q1 2024

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Best of Speaking Bipolar Magazine | Q1 2023 Edition

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Best of Speaking Bipolar Magazine | Q3 2023

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Best of Speaking Bipolar Magazine | Q2 2023 Edition

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2023 Bundle - Best of Speaking Bipolar

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Best of Speaking Bipolar Magazine | Q4 2023

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Best of Speaking Bipolar | Q2 2024

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